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Fire Safety Awareness & First Aid Training
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Fire Safety Awareness & First Aid Training

Fire Safety Awareness & First Aid Training Courses Globally

When clients visit a hotel they expect a safe environment with a high level of fire security and medical security. If an incident does occur, it can be very damaging to the hotel company and could result in prosecution of managers if the hotel didn't have the right training, equipment and facilities in place to deal with emergencies. It is therefore crucial to ensure that all staff are trained to be able to handle incidents. At the end of the day, staying safe is simply a matter of being prepared!

MJ FINCH Fire Safety Awareness & First Aid Instructors are available to travel to hotels anywhere in the world to assist clients with establishing training programmes and designing response procedures for fire and medical emergencies. Our instructors ensure that trainees receive personal attention and any areas of concern are addressed during their training, giving reassurance and increased confidence for when they are involved in an emergency situation.

General Fire Safety Awareness Training Course for Hotel Employees

This course will give hotel employees a good level of general knowledge about fire safety. It will include the following subjects:

  • Principles of combustion and spread of fire
  • Fire safety features within the building
  • Types and meanings of fire signs
  • Human behaviour in a fire emergency
  • Identifying fire hazards and minimising fire risk
  • Routine fire prevention procedures in the workplace
  • Responding to an outbreak of fire
  • Responding to a fire alarm
  • Evacuating and assisting persons with special needs (i.e. disabled persons, children, and the elderly)
  • Practical use of fire extinguishers

This is an ideal access course for staff who could be expected to tackle a fire in its initial stage. The courses are delivered by expert instructors with fire service experience and are set at a level that is understood by all.

All our training courses are available on demand anywhere in the world, at any time of year. Training can be scheduled for days, evenings or weekends to meet client needs. If you have any questions, need more information, or wish to arrange a course, please contact us. We look forward to assisting you with all your training needs:

Fire Warden / Fire Marshal Training

All hotel employees should be trained in General Fire Safety Awareness, but certain staff should also be trained to act as Fire Wardens or Marshals.

Our Fire Warden / Marshal Training Course is designed for those people selected to become designated Fire Wardens / Marshals for their hotel. This comprehensive training course includes the following subjects:

  • Hazards & Risks - Buildings and Structures
  • Risk Assessment Auditing
  • Hazardous Materials Safety and Monitoring
  • Advanced Fire Prevention (fire safety maintenance checks)
  • Fire Alarms, Emergency Lighting and Sprinkler Systems
  • Types and Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Types and Use of Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE)
  • The Selection, Operation and Actuation of Portable Fire Extinguishers
  • Initial Responses to Hazmat Incidents

Practical training scenarios cover the use of various fire extinguishers and evacuation under smoke conditions. The courses are delivered by expert instructors with fire service experience. All our training courses are available on demand anywhere in the world, at any time of year. Training can be scheduled for days, evenings or weekends to meet client needs.

Fire Safety Risk Assessments

We offer our services and expertise as Fire Safety Risk Consultants using highly qualified and experienced staff, to carry out Fire Safety Risk Assessments and Fire Investigations.

A Fire Safety Risk Assessment is an organised and methodical look at the premises, the activities within the premises, the potential for a fire to occur and the harm it could cause to the people in and around the premises. The existing fire safety measures are evaluated to establish whether they are adequate or if more requires to be done.

Flammable substances and other fire risks can be found, in varying quantities and locations, in all hotels. Hotel operators and managers are required to ensure that fire safety risks are eliminated or, where this is not reasonably practicable, to take measures to control risks and to reduce the harmful effects of any fire, explosion or similar event, so far as is reasonably practicable (mitigation).

A Fire Safety Risk Assessment is an important step in protecting your workers and your business, as well as complying with the law. Once the Fire Safety Risk Assessment has been carried out, the main findings are recorded and we can then work together to create a Fire Safety Policy for your hotel utilising company policies and procedures, promoting a safe environment in and around your premises.

First Aid Appointed Persons Training

Hotel operators and management are responsible for ensuring that guests, visitors, employees and contractors receive immediate attention if they are taken ill or are injured whilst at the hotel. The way to ensure this is to have appropriate numbers of suitably trained "First Aid Appointed Persons".

Our First Aid Appointed Persons Training course combines theoretical knowledge and practical sessions designed to develop ability and, most importantly, practical confidence. The course will include the following topics:

  • Aims of First Aid
  • First Aid Kits & Equipment
  • Diagnosis & Casualty Examination
  • Levels of Consciousness
  • Epileptic Fits
  • CPR / Choking
  • Bleeding
  • Heart Attack
  • Head Injuries
  • Shock
  • Fractures
  • Eye Injuries
  • Hypoglycaemia
  • Poisoning
  • Burns & Scalds

To help keep first aid skills up to date, it is strongly recommended that First Aid Appointed Persons undertake this training course annually.

Where appropriate, MJ FINCH training courses can go beyond basic First Aid and CPR to cover the more serious injuries which First Aid Appointed Persons may have to deal with in the aftermath of a large-scale incident including a terrorist attack, such as severe head injuries, trauma care, ballistic injuries and casualty handling.

Further information

Our consultants, risk analysts and training specialists are ready to help you mitigate and respond to today's complex security and fire safety challenges. To contact us, please initially use the "Contact Form" on the "Contact Us" page, or alternatively e-mail us at All enquiries will be treated in the strictest confidence and promptly processed by our dedicated and experienced team.

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