Security Awareness Training for Employees
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Security Awareness Training for Employees

A hotel's most valuable security asset is trained, motivated employees

Security Awareness Training - The Need

The current terrorist threat is grave, particularly as events worldwide have shown that terrorists are increasingly switching their attacks away from better protected targets like airports to "soft" targets like hotels. As well as the threat from terrorists, there are also threats to hotels from criminals who seek to use the welcoming nature of the hospitality industry to steal from guests and staff. And threats may also come from the mentally disturbed people who are prone to violence, disruptive individuals, protestors, disgruntled employees, and even from complacent employees who deliberately flout security rules.

All employees must take responsibility for their adherence to an organisation's security policies, but it is down to the employer to ensure that they are appropriately trained.

Training at Your Own Location

MJ FINCH specialises in providing security awareness training for hotel employees at their workplace. The training is suitable for employees, supervisors and managers from housekeeping, maintenance, front desk, guest services, food & beverage, transportation, parking department and security.

Benefits of our security awareness training for your employees:

  • Provides skills and knowledge to deter crime while emphasising the importance of excellent customer service in maintaining a safe and secure hotel.
  • Reminds employees that, while at work, they have a duty to take reasonable care of themselves, their colleagues, guests, visitors and others with whom they come in contact, and a duty to comply with security procedures and rules.
  • Builds team-work, self-confidence and improves personal attitude.
  • Helps to ensure employees follow recommended procedures in the event of a security incident or emergency, which can minimise disruption and negative publicity for the hotel company. In an incident or emergency situation, guests and visitors are likely to follow the lead of employees.

When all employees comply by security rules and recognise their vital role in identifying and reporting suspicious activity, the result is a secure hotel with an excellent reputation!

Course subjects include:

  • The vital role that all employees must play in security (Security must be effective, but also discreet and combined with excellent customer service)
  • Who poses a threat? (Terrorism, current crime trends and methods used to circumvent security)
  • Guest and Visitor Profiling (Identifying individuals who may pose a threat, without stereotyping)
  • Recognising and Reporting Suspicious Behaviour and Circumstances (What makes an individual suspicious? What types of activities are suspicious?)
  • Recognising the difference between Normal, Suspicious and Dangerous Circumstances, and reacting appropriately.
  • Crime Prevention Measures
  • Recognising potential workplace violence and responding to verbal and physical aggression (de-escalation techniques)
  • Bombs - What does an Improvised Explosive Device look like? (Many terrorist attacks are accomplished by carrying IEDs hidden in ordinary-looking objects to targets)
  • Telephone bomb threats (Reacting appropriately to threat warnings)
  • Postal devices
  • Handling cash
  • Protecting guest privacy
  • Unattended Items - Prohibited Article vs. Suspicious Article
  • Evacuating and Searching premises
  • Protecting hotel computer systems and electronic information
  • Confidentiality, public relations and handling media enquiries (Protecting the brand name)
  • Reporting of Security Incidents
  • Role plays and exercises (Realistic, challenging scenarios designed to demonstrate practical responses to a variety of situations and increase participants' confidence)

By the end of a course, attendees will be able to:

  • Identify potential threats to hotel security
  • Describe measures for improving workplace security
  • Determine the actions to take in response to a variety of security situations

Arrange a Training Course for Your Staff

This security awareness training for hotel employees is available on demand anywhere in the world, at any time of year. We will send an MJ FINCH Instructor to conduct the training for group sizes of up to 50 trainees at your own location. Training can be scheduled for days, evenings or weekends to meet client needs.

Further information

Our consultants, risk analysts and training specialists are ready to help you mitigate and respond to today's complex security challenges. To contact us, please initially use the "Contact Form" on the "Contact Us" page, or alternatively e-mail us at All enquiries will be treated in the strictest confidence and promptly processed by our dedicated and experienced team.

Other Security Training Courses

We can provide a range of other security training courses including:

  • Operating CCTV Systems
  • Predictive Profiling (designed to equip employees with the knowledge and practical skills required to identify people who may pose a security threat. The course will explain suspicious signs, while emphasising the importance of avoiding stereotyping)
  • Bombs and Bomb Threats
  • Active Shooters in Hotel Environments: Protecting Staff, Guests and Visitors
  • Preventing Violence in the Workplace
  • Hostile Environment Awareness Training
  • Contingency Planning - Preparing for the Worst and Response for Your Critical Business Functions
  • Recognition of Firearms, Explosives and Incendiaries
  • Recognition of Illegal Drugs
  • Body and Baggage Search Techniques
  • Using Metal Detectors in a Weapons Detection Programme
  • Information Security Awareness
  • Information Security: Legal issues of I.T. and compliance
  • Bespoke I.T. security seminars on specific technical areas (e.g. NT, Unix, firewalls, etc)

If you have any questions, need more information, or wish to arrange a course, please contact us. We look forward to assisting you with all your training needs:

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